

Page history last edited by Heike Philp 6 years, 9 months ago



Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium

CALICO (Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium) is devoted to research and development of technology in second language acquisition.

EuroCALL Computer Assisted Language Learning

EUROCALL aims to provide a European focus for the promulgation of innovative research, development and practice relating to the use of technologies for language learning.

ALSIC Apprentissage des langues et systèmes d'information et de communication

Alsic (Language Learning and Information and Communication Systems) publishes research on didactics, educational technology and learning sciences, linguistics and applied linguistics, psychology, information and communication sciences, and computer science.

The AILA Research Network for Innovation in Teaching
This ReN aims at providing much needed applied linguistic insights (empirical and methodological) about classrooms where the teaching and learning of curricular content happens in and through foreign or second languages, known as CLIL, foreign language immersion education or, content-based instruction (CBI)

MA Dissertation by Joe Pereira
aka Creed Juran submitted in 2009 to the University of Manchester.
“Language Learning Quests in Second Life: A framework for blending digital game-based learning and virtual worlds”.
Download dissertation in PDF format : Joe Pereira_Dissertation.pdf


This is about research being conducted by EduNation residents or through actitivities on EduNation.

Travelling Through Art, a research project by Melinda





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